Songs to start the day - 'Debaser' by Pixies

I have adored Pixies for a long time now and on some mornings, you just feel like you want to take the world apart a bit.
Those are the mornings that scream for ‘Debaser’!

The lyrics were inspired by the 1929 surrealist Salvador Dalí / Luis Buñuel.l film “Un Chien Andalou”, in which a lot of very disturbing shit happens and the whole silent journey starts off with, well…a woman’s eyeball that is sliced open by a razor.
My advice is to not have a look at that, as you won’t be able to forget about it EVER…
Instead, have a listen to the mindblowing Kim Deal opening with a throbbing bass solo, loud/soft dynamics that provide wicked goosebumps, Frank Black howling like crazy to perfectly noisy guitar sound and start your day off just RIGHT.
What a rush…click to listen here:

Thumbnail Photograph: Pixies photographed at Pinkpop Festival on May 15, 1989, by Gie Knaeps/Getty Images
